Baozhong '90 Vintage
Damp cedar, mushroom, menthol
Regular price $22
Oolong tea · low oxidation · unroasted
Damp cedar, mushroom, menthol
"This Baozhong was made in the year 1990, or was it 89 or 91. It was around 1990."
Mr. Chang has been producing Baozhong for decades and the batch year can seem hazy. A lover of whiskey and karaoke, Mr. Chang is easy going, honest, and always in a good mood – he is one of our favorites.
This vintage lot was discovered during a virtual sourcing call for his current year Baozhong, a lightly oxidized oolong that's floral and grassy. In conversations, he mentioned a stash of tea he made 30 years ago; "it tastes like ginseng" he said.
Baozhong was one of the most popular teas in the early days of Taiwanese tea production and export. Its name comes from how tea was packaged before foil bags were available – wrapped in paper, by hand. The name translates directly to "wrapped variety (kind)".
Aging a lighter oxidized and unroasted oolong yields a higher degree of flavor variation, compared to aging a black tea or a roasted tea. The signature white lily aroma has matured into a damp earthy cedar, the pale eggshell-colored infusion has turned a dark amber. Drunk cold, there is an herbaceous sweetness that embraces the palate. 30-year-old tea has less vibrancy and caffeine as the stimulant mellows out over time. It is the choicest pick for an evening tea in any season.
Learn more about Baozhong or check out our Tea Brewing Guides.